Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Windows 105 FULL source code :)

 0 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:print "{blue}":si$="***":ab$="directory":ti$="000000"  
 1 print "{clear}":p$="00:00":m$="{reverse on}{black}win{reverse off}":bj$="{black}":print"{142}{008}"  
 3 :goto1403:goto 1605  
 5 poke 53280,13:poke 53281,13 :print "{black}":goto 420  
 6 print  
 9 print "{clear}": goto 5  
 10 print "{clear}":print  "{reverse on}{blue} file or folders{space*23}{black}"  
 20 print ""  
 30 print "tape in drive:"  
 31 print ""  
 40 print "1 file{space*7}com"  
 50 print "2 loto{space*7}exe"  
 55 print "3 dat{space*8}seq"  
 60 print "4 gs basic  bas"  
 70 print "5 pictures  bmp"  
 80 print "6 ecoba{space*6}aop"  
 90 print "7 "ab$" <dir>"  
 91 print "8 computer  com"  
 92 print "9 notepad  edl"  
 93 print "10 funkcions exe"  
 94 print "11 xxxxx{space*6}wav"  
 95 print "12 gs pr doc. com"  
 96 print "13 corel draw exe"  
 97 print "14 color{space*6}sat"  
 98 print "15 auto sudar exe"  
 99 print "16 gs dos{space*5}gop"  
 100 print "17 internet  com"  
 101 print "18 shut down com"  
 110 input d$  
 115 if d$="1"goto 1000  
 124 if d$="18"goto 20000  
 125 if d$="15"goto12100  
 130 if d$="2" goto 2000  
 140 if d$="3" goto 3000  
 150 if d$="4" then print "{clear}":print " ****{space*5}gigasoft basic cbm{space*6}**** "  
 155 :  
 160 if d$="6" goto 5000  
 161 if d$="17"goto 30000  
 162 if d$="7" goto 1500  
 163 if d$="16" goto 60000  
 164 if d$="9" goto 1700  
 165 if d$="13" goto 9600  
 166 if d$="8" goto 7500  
 167 if d$="10"goto 13000  
 168 if d$="^" goto 200  
 169 if d$="12" goto 9100  
 170 if d$="14" goto 10000  
 172 if d$="win"goto 421  
 173 if d$<>"win"thenprint" izaberi program sa liste !!!":goto 10  
 199 end  
 200 print"{clear}{reverse on}{blue}{space*9}{light gray} gigasoft office {blue}{space*11}{170}^"  
 201 poke 53280,15:poke 53281,1  
 203 print""  
 204 :  
 205 print"{black}"  
 207 print"  {176}{195}{174}{space*5}{162*3}{space*5}{162*3}{space*5}{162*3}{space*7}"  
 209 print"  {194}{207}{208}{space*5}{180} {170}{space*5}{180} {170}{space*5}{180} {170}{space*9}"  
 210 print"  {173}{204}{186}{space*5}{204}{175}{186}{space*5}{204}{175}{186}{space*5}{204}{175}{186}{space*9}"  
 212 print"{cyan}{space*38}"  
 213 print" acces  write  basic gs dos{space*8}"  
 215 print" {163}{space*7}{163}{space*7}{163}{space*6}{163}{space*12}{blue}"  
 280 get j$  
 281 if j$="a"then print"{clear}{reverse on}{blue} {green} {blue} accesoris{space*21}":goto62300  
 283 if j$="w"then goto 2100  
 286 if j$="b"then goto 1630  
 288 if j$="g"then goto 60000  
 300 goto 280  
 399 end  
 415 ifa=9then goto 200  
 420 print "{clear}{009}{142}{008}":poke 53280,0:poke 53281,13:ifa=4goto 1220:ifa=2goto60000  
 421 print"{clear}{blue}{reverse on} gigasoft windows 105{space*18}{black}":ifa=2goto60000  
 422 print:print"{space*5}{207}{208}{205}{space*9}{207}{208}{160}{space*10}{206}{183}{205} ":ifa=4goto1220  
 423 print "{space*5}{180} {208}{space*9}{204}{186}{space*10}{170}{205}{175}{206}{180} "  
 424 print "{space*5}{204}{175}{186}{space*8}{206} {205}{space*9}{170}  {180} "  
 425 print "{space*16}{183*4}{space*10}{183*3} "  
 426 print  " documents  computer  recycle bin":print" {183}{space*11}{183}{space*11}{183}"  
 427 print:print:print" "sh$" "kr$:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print  
 429 print "{176}{195*5}{178}{195*31}{174}"  
 430 print"{194}start{194}{space*18}"m$" t:"left$(ti$,2)":"mid$(ti$,3,2)tab(38)"{194}"  
 432 print "{173}{195*5}{177}{195*31}{189}"  
 440 get l$:if l$="k"orl$="_"goto3700  
 441 if l$="d"goto 35050  
 442 if l$="c"goto 800  
 443 if l$="b"then goto 1630  
 444 if l$="s"orl$="2"goto 500  
 445 if l$="r"goto 36000  
 447 goto 440  
 500 print "{up*18}"bj$  
 502 print "{reverse on}g{space*14}"  
 503 print "{reverse on}i documents  "  
 505 print "{reverse on}g {183}{space*12}"  
 506 print "{reverse on}a programs  >"  
 508 print "{reverse on}s {183}{space*12}"  
 510 print "{reverse on}o file{space*8}>"  
 512 print "{reverse on}f {183}{space*12}"  
 514 print "{reverse on}t my computer >"  
 516 print "{reverse on}w {183}{space*12}"  
 518 print "{reverse on}i search{space*6}>"  
 520 print "{reverse on}n {183}{space*12}"  
 522 print "{reverse on}d satings{space*5}>"  
 524 print "{reverse on}o {183}{space*11}"  
 526 print "{reverse on}w shut down  >"  
 528 print "{reverse on}s {183}{space*11}"  
 535 get q$  
 536 if q$="d"goto 35050  
 538 if q$="p"orq$="2"goto 650  
 539 if q$="f"goto 1000  
 541 if q$="m"goto 800  
 543 if q$="s"goto 62000  
 545 if q$="a"goto 750  
 548 if q$="h"goto 7500  
 549 if q$="^"orq$="_"goto 421  
 550 goto 535  
 650 print "{up*16}"bj$ tab(14)"{reverse on}{space*15}"  
 652 printtab(14) "{reverse on} akcesoris  >"  
 653 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*12}"  
 655 printtab(14)"{reverse on} corel draw 9 "  
 658 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*12}"  
 659 printtab(14)"{reverse on} basic{space*8}"  
 660 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*12}"  
 662 printtab(14)"{reverse on} gs dos{space*7}"  
 664 printtab(14)"{reverse on}  {183}{space*11}"  
 667 printtab(14)"{reverse on} game{space*8}>"  
 669 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*12}"  
 673 printtab(14)"{reverse on} exel{space*9}"  
 674 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*12}"  
 675 printtab(14)"{reverse on} gs office  "  
 677 printtab(14)"{reverse on}{space*5}{183}{space*9}"  
 680 get r$  
 681 if r$="b"then 1630  
 682 if r$="s"goto 60000  
 683 if r$="g"goto 700  
 684 if r$="o"then200  
 685 if r$="a"orr$="2"goto 62300  
 686 if r$="^"orr$="_"goto415  
 687 if r$="e" goto 35150  
 688 if r$="c"goto 9600  
 689 goto 680  
 700 print "{up*13}" bj$  
 710 printtab(27)"{reverse on}{space*12}"  
 714 printtab(27)"{reverse on} auto sudar "  
 715 printtab(27)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 716 printtab(27)"{reverse on} fudbal{space*5}"  
 719 printtab(27)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 725 get w$  
 726 if w$="a"goto 12100  
 728 if w$="f"goto 14000  
 729 if w$="^"goto 421  
 730 goto 725  
 749 end  
 750 print "{up*12}"bj$  
 751 printtab(15)"{reverse on}{space*16}"  
 752 printtab(15)"{reverse on} color{space*9}"  
 753 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*13}"  
 755 printtab(15)"{reverse on} time and date "  
 756 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*13}"  
 757 printtab(15)"{reverse on} passvord{space*6}"  
 758 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*13}"  
 760 get s$  
 762 if s$="c"goto 63500  
 764 if s$="t"goto 62200  
 766 if s$="^"goto 421  
 770 goto 760  
 800 print "{up*9}" bj$  
 805 printtab(15)"{reverse on}{space*13}"  
 810 printtab(15)"{reverse on} disc{space*7}"  
 812 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 814 printtab(15)"{reverse on} tape{space*7}"  
 816 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 820 get v$  
 822 if v$="d"then print "{reverse on}{blue} disc is not in user port "  
 824 if v$="t"then goto 2300  
 826 if v$="^"goto 421  
 830 goto 820  
 999 end  
 1000 print "{up*14}{left*7}"bj$  
 1005 printtab(15)"{reverse on}{space*13}"  
 1010 printtab(15)"{reverse on} new folder "  
 1015 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 1020 printtab(15)"{reverse on} new file  "  
 1025 printtab(15)"{reverse on}  {183}{space*9}"  
 1030 printtab(15)"{reverse on} dir{space*8}"  
 1035 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 1040 printtab(15)"{reverse on} list{space*7}"  
 1045 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 1050 printtab(15)"{reverse on} options  "  
 1055 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*10}"  
 1060 print ""  
 1070 get k$  
 1080 if k$="n" goto 1400  
 1090 if k$="e" goto 1300  
 1100 if k$="d" goto 1500  
 1105 if k$="l" goto 1600  
 1110 if k$="o" goto 1800  
 1200 if k$="l" goto 1600  
 1210 if k$="^"ork$="_"goto421  
 1211 goto 1070  
 1220 print"{clear}":a=4  
 1221 print:print:print:print:print  
 1222 print"{space*6}{black}windows {red} 95 "  
 1224 print"{black}":print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print:print  
 1225 print:print:print:print  
 1226 print " {reverse on}{gray} {reverse off} start{space*10}{reverse on}{dark gray} {reverse off} computer "  
 1228 goto 440  
 1300 print "{clear}":print "new file :":print ""  
 1310 input "napisi ime fajla";c$  
 1315 input "drugi fajl:";q$  
 1320 input "treci fajl:";a$  
 1325 input "cetvrti fajl ";b$  
 1328 goto 421  
 1329 end  
 1330 rem ciko:?"“"  
 1332 print"{black}":v=53248  
 1334 pokev+21,4  
 1336 poke2042,13  
 1338 for n=0to62:readq:poke832+n,q:next  
 1339 for j=1to 5  
 1340 forx=200 to 1  
 1341 pokev+4,x  
 1342 pokev+5,x  
 1343 nextx  
 1344 next j  
 1350 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,255,0,6,0,192,8,0,32,24,0,48,56,131,24,34,68,136  
 1352 data 34,68,136,33,171,8,32,68,8,32,130,8,32,124,8,48,0,152,24,255,16  
 1354 data 8,254,32,6,0,192,3,199,128,0,124,0,0,0,0,0,0,0  
 1399 end  
 1400 print "{clear}":print "new folder:":print "":input "napisi ime foldera";ab$  
 1402 goto 110:end  
 1403 print"{clear}":poke 53280,0:poke53281,0:print"{white}":print:print:print:print:print  
 1404 print"  {176}{195*27}{174}"  
 1405 print"  {194}{space*15}{207}{208}{207}{208}{206}{205}{206}{205}  {194}"  
 1406 print"  {194}{space*15}{204}{186}{204}{186}{206}{205}{206}{205}{206}  {194}"  
 1407 print"  {194}{space*15}{207}{208}{207}{208}{206}{205}{206}{205}  {194}"  
 1409 print"  {194}{space*27}{194}"  
 1412 print"  {194} {180} {170} {194}{170}{205} {180}{170}{183}{205} {207}{208} {180} {170} {207}{183}  {194}"  
 1414 print"  {194} {205}{214}{206}{160}{194}{170} {205}{180}{170}{175}{206} {204}{186} {205}{214}{206} {183}{208}  {194}"  
 1417 print"  {194}{space*21}{183*2}  {194}"  
 1418 print"  {173}{195*27}{189}"  
 1419 get x$:ifx$=" "then420  
 1420 goto 1419  
 1421 :  
 1423 :  
 1425 :  
 1427 :  
 1429 :  
 1431 :  
 1433 :  
 1435 :  
 1437 :  
 1439 :  
 1441 :  
 1443 :  
 1445 :  
 1447 end  
 1449 _s "gigasoft ok"  
 1451 :  
 1453 :  
 1455 :  
 1457 :  
 1458 :  
 1460 :  
 1462 :  
 1464 :  
 1466 :  
 1468 :  
 1474 :  
 1476 :  
 1499 end  
 1500 print "{clear}":print "dir:":print"":print ab$:print c$:printq$:print a$:printb$  
 1597 print ""  
 1598 print "programi u ram memoriji !!!"  
 1599 goto 110 :end  
 1600 print "{clear}":list:goto 1602  
 1602 print "listing":print "ok"  
 1604 end  
 1605 print"{clear}":poke53280,6:poke 53281,1  
 1607 print:print:print:print:  
 1610 print"{space*8}{reverse on}{black}gs maxel drive{reverse off}":print  
 1612 print"{space*8}1.........basic ":print  
 1614 print"{space*8}2........gs dos ":print  
 1616 print"{space*8}3........os tos ":print  
 1618 print"{space*8}4....windows 95 ":print  
 1620 print"{space*8}5...windows 105 ":print  
 1622 get a:ifa=1goto 1630  
 1623 ifa=2goto60000  
 1624 ifa=3goto2300  
 1625 ifa=4goto1220  
 1626 ifa=5goto62400  
 1627 goto 1622  
 1630 print"{clear}"  
 1632 print"  **** expanded cbm basic v2 ****":print  
 1633 print"{space*9}"fre(0)" bytes free"  
 1699 end  
 1700 print "{clear}":print "notepad":print ""  
 1710 print "napisi text ( 48 slova)"  
 1720 input n$  
 1729 print ""  
 1730 print " {206}{183}{223}{183*25}{205}"  
 1740 print " {180} {170}{space*25}{170}"  
 1744 print " {205}{175}{206}{180}{space*24}{170}"  
 1746 print "{space*5}{180}" left$(n$,24) tab(30) "{170}"  
 1747 print "{space*5}{180}" right$(n$,24) tab(3o) "{170}"  
 1748 print "{space*5}{169}{183}{223}{183*23}{205}"  
 1750 print "{space*5}{180} {170}{space*23}{170}"  
 1755 print "{space*5}{205}{175}{206}{175*23}{206}"  
 1799 goto 110  
 1800 print "options"  
 1801 print "":print "1 format a: ":print "2 load":print ""  
 1803 get l$  
 1804 if l$="1" goto 0  
 1805 if l$="2" goto 0  
 1810 goto 1803  
 1812 end  
 1859 goto 1330  
 1999 end  
 2000 print "{clear}":print " loto"  
 2010 print "":input "napisi brojeve(1-39)";i$  
 2020 for n=1 to 6  
 2022 print 1+int(39*rnd(1))  
 2024 next n  
 2026 print "":print "pogledaj jesi li ista dobio !!"  
 2030 print i$:goto 9  
 2099 end  
 2100 print "{clear}":poke 53280,1:poke 53281,6  
 2105 print "{white}{reverse on} wordpad{space*31}":print""chr$(32)  
 2107 get a$:if a$="{f3}"then run:goto2107  
 2108 get a$:if a$="_"goto 420  
 2109 get a$:if a$<>""thengoto2108  
 2110 get a$:if a$=""goto 2110  
 2112 print "{left}"a$"{185}"   ;:goto 2108  
 2199 end  
 2200 print "{clear}":print " loading..."  
 2204 for i=0to15  
 2206 for j=0to15  
 2208 poke 53280,i:poke 53281,j  
 2209 next:next :return  
 2210 print " ok":poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:return  
 2212 end  
 2300 gosub 2200 print"{clear}":print"{clear}":print  
 2302 print "{space*6}{reverse on}{black} tape tos programator "  
 2303 print"":print:print"{space*6}f1..................list"  
 2304 print:print"{space*6}f3...................run"  
 2305 print:print"{space*6}f5..................load"  
 2307 print:print"{space*6}f7..................save"  
 2308 print:print"{space*6}_..................reset"  
 2310 get er$:if er$="{f1}"thenprint"{clear}":list  
 2312 if er$="{f3}"then run  
 2314 if er$="{f5}"goto 2350  
 2315 if er$="{f7}"thenprint:print"_s":end  
 2316 if er$="_"goto 0  
 2318 goto 2310  
 2349 end  
 2350 print "{clear}"  
 2352 print:print:print:print  
 2354 print"{space*10}{reverse on} load program {reverse off}"  
 2356 print:print:print  
 2358 print" f1...............load cassete":print  
 2360 print" f3..load to ram or rom memory":print  
 2362 print" f4.....................cancel":print  
 2364 print:print  
 2366 getki$:if ki$=chr$(133)thenprint:print" _l"  
 2368 if ki$=chr$(134)goto 2400  
 2370 if ki$=chr$(135)goto 0  
 2372 goto 2366  
 2400 print "{clear}"  
 2402 print:input " program >";pg$  
 2404 print" pres space on the keyboard"  
 2406 getky$:ifky$=chr$(32)then gosub2500  
 2408 goto 2406  
 2410 for i=0 to 30:forj=0to30  
 2412 poke 53280,i:poke 53281,j:ld$=""  
 2414 next:next:iflen(pg$)>14thenld$=" load error"  
 2416 print" loading":printld$:kv$="dobar"  
 2418 :  
 2420 input ad$  
 2422 if ad$="_r"then gosub2600  
 2424 if ad$="_h"thenprint"komande:_l,_r,_h,_p,_e"  
 2426 if ad$="_l"goto 2400  
 2428 if ad$="_p"thenprint"{clear}":print" "pg$  
 2429 if ad$="_e"goto 0  
 2430 goto 2420  
 2432 end  
 2500 for n=0to15:form=0to15  
 2502 poke53280,n:poke 53281,m  
 2504 next:next  
 2506 print " searching":gr$="uredu":if len(pg$)>14thengr$="greska"  
 2508 print " found "pg$  
 2510 getki$:ifki$=chr$(32)goto2410  
 2512 goto 2510  
 2599 end  
 2600 print"{clear}":print:print" report:":print:print" program "pg$:print:print:print" pocetak >1"  
 2601 kv$="dobar":iflen(pg$)>14thenkv$="los"  
 2602 print" kraj{space*5}>"len(pg$)  
 2603 sv$="_p":iflen(pg$)>14thensv$="ponovi postupak(_l)"  
 2605 print" error?  >"gr$  
 2606 print" kvalitet >"kv$  
 2608 print" savjet  >"sv$  
 2610 print:goto 2420  
 2999 end  
 3000 print "{clear}":print "dat.seq"  
 3020 input "napisi ime i prezime ";z$  
 3022 input "adresa ";r$  
 3024 input "napisi ime i prezime ";zx$  
 3026 input "adresa ";zc$  
 3028 input "napisi ime i prezime ";jh$  
 3030 input "adresa ";jg$  
 3040 print " ime i prezime"tab(22)"adresa"  
 3050 print "{183*40}"  
 3055 print z$  tab(20)r$  
 3056 print zx$ tab(20) zc$  
 3060 print jh$ tab(20)  jg$  
 3070 print "{197*40}"  
 3100 print ""  
 3699 goto 110 :end  
 3700 print "{up*10}"  
 3705 print "{reverse on}{blue} shorts{space*19}{light gray}^"  
 3708 print "{reverse on}{space*28}":print "{reverse on} write name of new kratica "  
 3709 sh$=" {166}>"  
 3710 input "{reverse on}  .{reverse off}{black}";kr$  
 3712 print "{reverse on}{light gray}{space*14}return/apply "  
 3715 get x$:if x$=chr$(13)goto 420  
 3716 ifx$="^"thenkr$="":sh$="":goto421  
 3717 goto 3715  
 3999 goto 110:end  
 4999 end  
 5000 print "{clear}":print "ecoba"  
 5010 print "napisi nesta:"  
 5020 input t$  
 5022 print left$(ti$,2);":";mid$(ti$,3,2);":";right$(ti$,2)  
 5027 print "{reverse on}{light blue}{space*40}{reverse off} ":print "{black}"  
 5030 print "{210*40}"  
 5035 print t$  
 5040 print "{197*40}"  
 5050 print " gigasoft : armin omanovic"  
 5055 goto 110 :end  
 7499 end  
 7500 print "{up*8}"bj$  
 7501 printtab(15)"{reverse on}{space*12}"  
 7503 printtab(15)"{reverse on} shut down "  
 7505 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*9}"  
 7510 printtab(15)"{reverse on} reset{space*5}"  
 7512 printtab(15)"{reverse on} {183}{space*9}"  
 7515 get az$  
 7516 if az$="s"goto 20000  
 7518 if az$="r"then run  
 7520 if az$="^"goto 500  
 7522 goto 7515  
 7599 end  
 9099 end  
 9100 print"{white}{clear}":poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0  
 9102 print" gigasoft private documents ":print  
 9103 input " password >";ps$  
 9104 if ps$<>"@*@"then print" bad password":print:goto 9103  
 9106 print"{white}{clear}":print" gigasoft private documents "  
 9599 end  
 9600 print "{clear}":gosub 2200:print"{clear*2}"  
 9610 print "{space*16}{reverse on}{green}{space*9}"  
 9615 print "{space*15}{reverse on}{red}{space*11}"  
 9619 print "{space*15}{reverse on}{white}{space*11}"  
 9620 print "{space*15}{reverse on}{light blue}{space*11}"  
 9625 print "{space*16}{reverse on}{pink}{space*9}"  
 9630 print "{space*17}{reverse on}{gray}{space*7}"  
 9635 print "{space*18}{reverse on}{orange}{space*5}"  
 9640 print "{space*19}{reverse on}{yellow}  "  
 9642 print "{space*19}{194} {194}"  
 9643 print "{space*19}{reverse on}{brown}  "  
 9648 print ""  
 9649 print "{space*15}{pink}corel {green}draw 9":print:print:m$="{reverse on}{black}cdw{reverse off}"  
 9660 print " ok/no"  
 9665 get o$:ifo$="o"goto 9699  
 9666 if o$="n"goto 420  
 9669 goto 9665  
 9699 print "{clear}":poke 53280,1:poke 53281,1  
 9700 print"{reverse on}{light blue} corel draw 9{space*24}{light gray}^"  
 9710 print"{reverse on}{space*39}"  
 9720 print"{reverse on} file text graph help list{space*9}"  
 9721 print"{reverse on}{space*39}"  
 9722 print "{reverse on} color:{black} {white} {red} {cyan} {purple} {green} {blue} {yellow} {orange} {brown} {pink} {dark gray} {gray} {light green} {light gray}{space*17}"  
 9723 print "{reverse on}{space*39}"  
 9730 print "{black}{183*39}"  
 9732 getl$:if l$="*"goto 9699:if l$="^"goto 420  
 9733 if l$="l"then print"txt>";cd$:print"grp>";gr$  
 9734 if l$="^"goto 420:if l$="h"thenprint"pritisni prvo slovo opcije"  
 9735 if l$="t"then input"abc>";cd$:goto 9732  
 9736 if l$="g"then input"graph 1>";gr$  
 9737 if l$="f"thenprint"finsh"  
 9738 if l$="c"goto 1820  
 9739 goto 9732  
 9740 print "{up*2}"  
 9741 get a$:if a$=r$ goto200:goto9741  
 10000 print "{clear}":print "options"  
 10010 print "":print "1 crna":print "2 bijela":print "3 plava":print "4 zelena":print "5 zuta"  
 10020 get dl$  
 10030 if dl$="1" then poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:goto 421  
 10032 if dl$="2" then poke 53280,0:poke 53281,1:print "{black}":goto 421  
 10042 if dl$="4" then poke 53280,0:poke 53281,5:goto 421  
 10044 if dl$="5" then poke 53280,0:poke 53281,7:goto 421  
 10045 if dl$="3" then poke 53280,0:poke 53281,14:goto 421  
 10048 goto 10020  
 10049 end  
 10060 :  
 11000 :  
 11010 :  
 11030 :  
 11040 :  
 11050 :  
 11055 :  
 11060 :  
 11999 :end  
 12000 print " password > "  
 12002 print "":input l$:if l$="^"then stop  
 12004 if l$=si$ goto 9 :else goto12006  
 12006 print "pokusaj ponovo !!!":goto 12000  
 12100 print "{clear}":gosub 2200  
 12105 poke 53280,12:poke 53281,12  
 12108 print "{space*13}{white}{reverse on}{space*12}{reverse off}{purple}"  
 12110 print "{space*13}{white}{reverse on} auto sudar {reverse off}{gray}"  
 12112 print "{space*13}{white}{reverse on}{space*12}{reverse off}{purple}"  
 12113 print "{black}"  
 12118 print " kocnica ti je otkazala ":print "i ti ides pravo":print "u baru !!!"  
 12120 print " da bi se zaustavio moras pritisnuti":print "pravo slovo !"  
 12130 print "imas 5 pokusaja !"  
 12133 c$=chr$(64+int(rnd(1)*26+1))  
 12138 for g=1to5:input g$  
 12139 if c$=g$ goto 12160  
 12140 ifg$<c$thenprint "slovo iza ";  
 12150 ifg$>c$thenprint "slovo ispred ";  
 12151 print g$  
 12153 next g  
 12155 print"{down}{reverse on}{blue} pljuuuus smocio si se"  
 12156 print c$  
 12159 print "{white}":goto 12170  
 12160 print "{reverse on}{white} skriip zaustavio si se !"  
 12170 input "{black}zelis li jos igrati ";pu$  
 12175 ifpu$="da"orp$="yes"goto12100  
 12178 ifpu$="ne"orp$="no"goto 420  
 12180 end  
 13000 print "{clear}"  
 13010 input "koliko slogova (1-10) :";x  
 13020 for a=1 to x  
 13030 print "vrijednost # ";a;:input b(a )  
 13035 next:su=0:for a=1 to x  
 13040 su=su+b(a):next  
 13050 print :print "rezultat = "; su/x  
 13055 print "":input "zelis li jos racunati";i$:if i$="ne"then goto 421  
 13058 ifi$="da"goto13000:ifi$=" "goto421  
 13069 end  
 13162 :  
 13164 :  
 13999 end  
 14000 clr: dim tl$(12):print"{clear}{reverse on}{blue} {yellow} {blue} fudbal(liga sampiona){space*16}"  
 14002 tl$(1)="bosna":tl$(2)="bayer m":tl$(3)="psv":tl$(4)="leeds"  
 14003 tl$(5)="real m":tl$(6)="juventus":tl$(7)="barcelona":tl$(8)="inter"  
 14004 tl$(9)="valencija":tl$(10)="lokomotiva":tl$(11)="lion":tl$(12)="milan"  
 14005 print:print "{black} upisi 12 timova ":print:form=1to12  
 14010 print m "tim":input">";tl$(m)  
 14015 next m :print"{clear} {reverse on}{blue} tabela : {reverse off}"  
 14020 print"{black}":print:form=1to 12:b=1+int(12*rnd(1))  
 14022 print m".";tl$(b)  
 14040 next m :b=1+int(10*rnd(1)):print  
 14045 print "pobjednik kupa je ";tl$(b)  
 14050 input"y/n";q$:ifq$<>"n"then14000  
 14053 goto 415  
 14060 ifq$="n"then 415:end  
 15000 input "koliko slogova";s  
 15005 dimy$(s):for n=1to s:input">";y$(n):nextn  
 15007 forl=65to90:form=1tos:if left$(y$(m),1)=chr$(l)thenprint " "y$(m)  
 15008 nextm,l  
 16005 goto 15000  
 20045 end  
 20060 :  
 20070 print"{clear}":get d$:if d$=""goto 20071:goto 20070  
 20071 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:print "sad mozes ugasiti "  
 20072 print "kompjuter !!"  
 20074 get s$:goto 20074  
 26222 :  
 29999 end  
 30000 gosub2200  
 30002 poke 53280,1:poke 53281,1  
 30004 print "{clear} {black} internet{space*28}":print""  
 30005 print "{reverse on}{light blue} web{space*35}"  
 30010 print ""  
 30020 print "{reverse on}{space*39}"  
 30025 print "{up*3}{right*11}"  
 30028 input "{black}";w$  
 30030 if w$="www.cna.com" goto 31000  
 30035 if w$="www.armin.com"goto 32000  
 30036 if w$="_"orw$="^"goto 420  
 30040 if w$="a@o"then print " cna armin"  
 30999 end  
 31000 print  "----------------------------------------"  
 31005 print "---------------cna----------------------"  
 31010 print "{space*14}{206}{205}{170} {180}{206}{205}"  
 31015 print "{space*14}{180} {170}{205} {180}{204}{186}"  
 31020 print "{space*14}{180} {170} {205}{180*2}{170}"  
 31025 print "{space*14}{205}{206}{170} {180*2}{170}"  
 31026 print "":print " ova kompanija je osnovana 23.4.2002.":print""  
 31027 print " direktor je armin omanovic"  
 31030 get wa$:ifwa$="^"goto30002  
 31032 goto 31030  
 31999 end  
 32000 print "{down*2}":print " {blue}a{red}r{green}m{yellow}i{dark gray}n {orange}o{black}m{cyan}a{white}n{pink}o{light gray}v{green}i{gray}c{black}"  
 32002 print "":print " vlasnik je kompanije cna":print" web adresa cna je:www.cna.com "  
 32010 get a$:if a$="^"goto 30002:goto 32010  
 32012 goto 32010  
 34999 end  
 35000 i$="{reverse on}{blue} wordpad "  
 35002 o$="text":m$="{reverse on}{black}wop{reverse off}"  
 35004 h$="{reverse on}{blue} sluzi se tastaturom "  
 35010 goto 35200  
 35050 i$="{reverse on}{blue} documents ":o$="podaci i text":m$="{reverse on}{black}doc{reverse off}"  
 35052 h$="{reverse on}{blue} open-otvaranje doc. "  
 35054 goto 35200  
 35100 i$="{reverse on}{blue} paint "  
 35105 o$="crtanje":m$="{reverse on}pen{reverse off}"  
 35110 h$="{reverse on}{blue} kombinuj tipku crtl sa brojevima "  
 35114 goto 35200  
 35150 i$="{reverse on}{blue} exel ":m$="{reverse on}exe{reverse off}"  
 35155 o$=" slike,podaci i text "  
 35160 h$="{reverse on}{blue} open-podaci,tastatura text "  
 35162 goto 35200  
 35200 print"{clear}{black}"  
 35205 print "{reverse on}{blue} {yellow} {blue} "i$"{reverse on}{blue}{space*17}{black}"  
 35210 print "{207}{183*37}{208}"  
 35215 print "{180}file {181}help {161}{space*24}^{170}"  
 35218 print "{180}{183}{space*5}{183}{space*30}{170}"  
 35220 print "{180}{space*9}{reverse on}{yellow} {black}{reverse off} "o$ tab(38)"{170}"  
 35222 print "{180}{space*37}{170}"  
 35224 print "{204}{175*37}{186}"  
 35226 tw$= "{space*38}{170}"  
 35228 print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$:print tw$  
 35232 print "{175*38}{186}"  
 35234 print "{up*11}"  
 35240 get f$  
 35245 if f$="^"orf$="_"goto421  
 35246 if f$="h"then print h$  
 35247 if f$="n"then input"text >";b$  
 35250 if f$="f"then print:print"{reverse on}{blue} new {161}list {161}a$ {161}b$ {161}help":goto 35240      
 35258 if f$="l"then print a$,b$,c$:goto 35240  
 35259 if f$="o"orf$="2"goto5000  
 35260 if f$="a"then input a$:goto 35240  
 35261 if f$="*"goto 35200         
 35262 if f$="b"then input b$:goto 35240  
 35263 if f$="p"goto 3000  
 35270 goto 35240  
 35999 end  
 36000 print "{clear}" :print "{reverse on}{blue} {yellow} {blue} recycle bin{space*22}"  
 36003 m$="{reverse on}{blue}ryc{reverse off}{black}"  
 36005 print:print" play{space*6}wav":print           " music{space*5}wav"  
 36006 print " ciko{space*6}spr":print           " pictures bmp"  
 36007 print " funkcions exe"  
 36010 get y$  
 36015 if y$="*"or y$="s"goto 500  
 36017 if y$="^"goto 420  
 36020 goto 36010  
 49999 end:end:end:goto 20071  
 50000 for n=32 to 127  
 50005 g=chr$(n)  
 50010 print chr$(n);  
 50020 next n  
 50030 for n=161 to 191:for n=149 to 155:end  
 50110 for n=161 to 191:for j=33 to127  
 50125 print chr$(n); :print chr$(j);:next:next  
 50130 goto 50100  
 50200 end  
 50999 end  
 51000 print "{clear}":poke 53280,0:poke 53281,16  
 59999 end  
 60000 print "{clear}{014}{008}":a$="{198}{201}{204}{197}"  
 60010 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0  
 60015 print "{white} gs dos":print"":print ""  
 60016 print "{183*39}"  
 60019 :print ""  
 60020 printfre (0 ) " bytes free"  
 60100 f$="":print:input" {195}:/>";f$  
 60110 if f$="md"then input"ime>";a$,b$,d$:goto 60100  
 60114 if f$="cd"goto 60200  
 60116 if f$="dir"goto 60300  
 60117 if f$="format a>"thengoto 60400  
 60118 if f$="rd"then clr  
 60119 if f$="a>"then load  
 60120 if f$="ren"goto 60500  
 60121 if f$="win"then 420  
 60122 if f$="edlin"goto 60600  
 60123 if f$="exit"goto 415:if f$="win"goto 420  
 60124 if f$<>"c"then print "{194}ad comand or file name!":goto 60100  
 60125 goto 60100  
 60200 print "":input "{195}{200} {196}{201}{210}>";l$  
 60210 if l$="dos"orl$="{196}{207}{211}"goto 60250  
 60215 if l$=a$ goto 60700  
 60216 if l$="game"orl$="{199}{193}{205}{197}"goto 12100  
 60217 if l$="text"orl$="{212}{197}{216}{212}"goto 60700  
 60218 if l$="basic"thenprint"{clear}{142}{009} gigasoft basic":print:print" 34360 bytes free":end  
 60219 if l$<>"dos"thenprint"{194}ad comand or file name !"  
 60220 goto 60100  
 60250 print "":input"c>dos>";j$  
 60252 if j$="dir"goto 60270  
 60254 if j$="cd.."goto 60100  
 60270 print:print"{214}olume in drive {193} is {196}{207}{211}":print      "{196}irectory of {195}:/dos":print  
 60271 print" {199}{211} {194}{193}{211}{201}{195} {194}{193}{211}":print" {210}{197}{211}{197}{212}  {195}{207}{205}":print:print"2 file(s) 354 bytes free"  
 60273 print:input"c:/dos>";g$:ifg$="basic"thenprint:print"{clear} gigasoft":print:print" gs basic":end  
 60274 if g$="reset"goto 60000  
 60275 goto 60114  
 60300 print:print"{214}olume in drive {193} is {199}{211} {196}{207}{211}"  
 60303 print" {196}irectory of {193}:"  
 60310 print:print" {196}{207}{211}  <{196}{201}{210}>"  
 60312 print " {212}{197}{216}{212}  {197}{196}{204}"  
 60317 print " {199}{193}{205}{197}  {197}{216}{197}" :         print " "a$" {195}{207}{205}"  
 60319 print:print  "4 file(s) "fre(0)" bytes free"  
 60320 goto 60100  
 60400 print:print" {213}baci novu kasetu u kastofon i ":  print" pritisni {208}{204}{193}{217} i {210}{197}{195}{207}{210}{196} na "  
 60402 print" kasetofonu !"  
 60403 get a$:if a$<>"s"goto 60403:goto 60100  
 60404 goto 60100  
 60500 print "":input "staro ime >";a$:input "novo ime >";p$:a$=p$  
 60510 goto 60100  
 60600 print "":input "new file *";a$  
 60610 print "":input "c>eld>";e$  
 60615 if e$="l"then print t$,t1$,t2$,t3$,t4$,t5$ :goto 60610  
 60617 if e$="i"then input "txt >";t$,t1$,t2$,t3$,t4$,t5$:goto 60610  
 60620 if e$="d"then t$="":goto 60610  
 60630 if e$="e"goto 60100:else print "bad comand !"  
 60700 input "c>eld>";w$  
 60710 if w$="dir"then print t$  
 60715 goto 60610  
 62000 print "{up*15}" bj$  
 62005 printtab(14)"{reverse on}{space*18}"  
 62010 printtab(14)"{reverse on} file or folders "  
 62015 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*15}"  
 62020 printtab(14)"{reverse on} internet{space*8}"  
 62025 printtab(14)"{reverse on} {183}{space*15}"  
 62029 get g$  
 62030 if g$="f"org$="2"goto10  
 62032 if g$="i"goto 30000  
 62033 if g$="^"org$="_"goto 421  
 62035 goto 62029  
 62100 print "{up*17}"bj$  
 62105 printtab(28)"{reverse on}{space*8}"  
 62110 printtab(28)"{reverse on} music "  
 62114 printtab(28)"{reverse on} {183}{space*5}"  
 62118 printtab(28)"{reverse on} play "  
 62120 printtab(28)"{reverse on} {183}{space*5}"  
 62130 get a$  
 62137 if a$="^"ora$="_"goto421  
 62140 goto 62130  
 62200 print"{clear}":print" {reverse on}{blue} unesi tekuce vrijeme {black}":input "  >";ti$  
 62210 goto 420  
 62299 end  
 62300 print "{up*17}"bj$  
 62313 printtab(28)"{reverse on}{space*11}"  
 62316 printtab(28)"{reverse on} notepad "  
 62318 printtab(28)"{reverse on} {183}{space*8}"  
 62319 printtab(28)"{reverse on} wordpad "  
 62320 printtab(28)"{reverse on} {183}{space*8}"  
 62322 printtab(28)"{reverse on} funkcion "  
 62324 printtab(28)"{reverse on} {183}{space*8}"  
 62326 printtab(28)"{reverse on} paint  "  
 62330 printtab(28)"{reverse on}  {183}{space*7}"  
 62331 get z$  
 62333 if z$="a"goto 35100  
 62334 if z$="n"goto 1700  
 62336 if z$="w"orz$="2"goto2100  
 62337 if z$="f"goto 13000  
 62340 if z$="^"orz$="_"thena=9:goto421  
 62350 goto 62331  
 62400 print "{clear}":poke 53280,1:poke 53281,1  
 62405 print:print:print:print:print:print"{black}"  
 62410 print "{space*10}{207}{183*14}{208}"  
 62413 print "{space*10}{180}  {205}{206}{205}{206}{207}{208}{207}{208}  {170}"  
 62415 print "{space*10}{180}  {205}{206}{205}{206}{204}{186}{204}{186}  {170}"  
 62418 print "{space*10}{180}  {205}{206}{205}{206}{180}{170}{180}{170}  {170}"  
 62420 print "{space*10}{180}  {205}{206}{205}{206}{204}{186}{204}{186}{160} {170}"  
 62422 print "{space*10}{180}{space*14}{170}"  
 62424 print "{space*10}{180}  windows  {170}"  
 62425 print "{space*10}{180}{space*14}{170}":     print "{space*10}{180}{space*6}105{space*5}{170}"  
 62426 print "{space*10}{204}{175*14}{186}"  
 62429 print:print:print  
 62432 get wi$:if wi$=chr$(32)goto 420  
 62433 if wi$="y"thengosub 63900  
 62435 goto 62432  
 63400 print"{clear}"  
 63403 print "1 bijela":print"2 crvena":print"3 zelena":print"4 plava":print"5 crna"  
 63405 print"6 ljubicasta":print"7 zuta"  
 63407 input ft$:ifft$="1"thenbj$=chr$(5):ifft$="2"thenbj$=chr$(28)  
 63410 if ft$="3"thenbj$=chr$(30):ifft$="4"thenbj$=chr$(31)  
 63415 ifft$="5"thenbj$=chr$(144):ifft$="6"thenbj$=chr$(156)  
 63417 ifft$="7"thenbj$=chr$(158)  
 63420 goto 421  
 63500 print"{clear}":print "{white}"  
 63503 print "1 desc top color":print"2 tab color"  
 63506 get cf$:ifcf$="1"goto10000  
 63508 ifcf$="2"goto63400  
 63510 goto 63506  
 63899 end  
 63900 poke 53281,14:bj$="{white}":poke 53280,0  
 63910 goto 421  

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